
Monday Sep 21, 2020
How to Release Frustrations & Be Kind to Yourself - Cindy Bunch (Ep 64)
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. But what if we don’t act lovingly towards ourselves? We are all guilty of negative self-talk. We say things to ourselves that we would never say to another human being. But we feel justified because no one else knows about it. But if we can’t love and take care of ourselves, we won’t do the same for others. If God’s love is to truly be the driving force in our lives, then we must and stop tearing ourselves down with negative self-talk and destructive habits. As Cindy teaches us in this episode, we need to learn to be kind to ourselves so that God's love can fill our lives and bring us joy. If we are not able to love ourselves, then we won’t be able to effectively love those around us.
Check out the full show notes and resources for this episode at dailygrowthdiscipleship.com.
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Monday Sep 07, 2020
Learning to Live the Jesus Way - Alan Fadling (Ep 63)
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
God is present with you in every moment of your life. Think about the reality of that statement. Whether it's the most mundane tasks you do or the once-in-a-lifetime experiences, God, your father, is with you wanting to enjoy life with you. And he does this with both his grace and his truth. Learning to live the Jesus Way in grace and truth is challenging at times, but as we practice the way of Jesus with the truth of Jesus, we find we're living the Jesus life. In this episode, Alan Fadling joins us again and helps us understand the value of Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life in a way that will help anyone striving to live a lifestyle of discipleship.
Check out the full show notes and resources for this episode at dailygrowthdiscipleship.com.
Get your copy of the Daily Growth Journal and start creating a lifestyle of discipleship with the simple practice of journaling.

Monday Aug 31, 2020
How to Satisfy the Hunger of Loneliness - Jason Gaboury (Ep 62)
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
"To be human is to be lonely.” Jason Gaboury begins his new book on loneliness with this quote from Friar Ugo. And it says something profound about what it means to be human. We all experience loneliness. We feel left out, like we don’t measure up, or like the odd man out of the group. But this isn’t the way it’s supposed to be. We were created for community, to reflect the relational nature of God Himself. Sin and the loss of relationship has opened a chasm between us and God as well as between us and our friends, spouses, co-workers, and family. We seek deep relationships, like a starving man seeks food. But unless we understand loneliness, we will seek relationships in the wrong way. We will try to numb the pain or to distract ourselves from reality with fake relationships or cheap imitations. And so, loneliness persists. That’s why in this conversation with Jason, we talk about the causes of loneliness and how it can actually lead us to pay closer attention to the most important relationships in our lives.
Check out the full show notes and resources for this episode at dailygrowthdiscipleship.com.
Get your copy of the Daily Growth Journal and start creating a lifestyle of discipleship with the simple practice of journaling.

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Here's the Good News! - Chris Lamberth (Ep 61)
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Most of us probably think the gospel is something that unbelievers need to hear, those who haven't committed themselves to follow Jesus. But if the good news is good news, shouldn't it always be good news, especially if we're making discipleship a lifestyle? In this episode, Chris gives a great demonstration of why the gospel isn't just for unbelievers. The good news is something that transforms us as we follow Jesus in a lifestyle of discipleship.
Check out the full show notes and resources for this episode at dailygrowthdiscipleship.com.
Get your copy of the Daily Growth Journal and start creating a lifestyle of discipleship with the simple practice of journaling.

Monday Aug 17, 2020
Theology is the Disciple's Heritage - Dennis Okholm (Ep 60)
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Theology! Many Christians flinch a little when they hear that word. We live in an era where theology has become a dirty word, associated with stiff academics and argumentative dogmatists. But theology is at the core of who we are as disciples. If we are genuine in our faith, theology is unavoidable because we naturally ask questions about who God is and how we should follow Him. So we must work to make sure our theology is done well, rooted in the history of the Church that seeks to worship God. And that’s the approach Dennis Okholm takes in his book Learning Theology through the Church’s Worship. The way we live our life in Christ displays our theology just as our theological beliefs influence the way we worship God in our everyday life. And so theology forms a core discipline that we as disciples cannot ignore.
Check out the full show notes and resources for this episode at dailygrowthdiscipleship.com.
Get your copy of the Daily Growth Journal and start creating a lifestyle of discipleship with the simple practice of journaling.

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Can the Church Move Beyond Making Enemies? - David Fitch (Ep 59)
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
In John 17, Jesus prayed, "Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one." You don't have to look far among Christians these days to realize we are terrible at this thing Jesus prayed for in John 17. Legitimate issues of racism and how we can best love our neighbor become an arena in which we attempt to prove our point no matter the cost. In this episode, David offers a solution that we believe hits the nail on the head. Instead of choosing one side or the other, he calls us back to the Christ who saved us and to our calling as Christ's presence in the world.
Check out the full show notes and resources for this episode at dailygrowthdiscipleship.com.
Get your copy of the Daily Growth Journal and start creating a lifestyle of discipleship with the simple practice of journaling.

Monday Aug 03, 2020
Finding Grace & Purpose in Your Brokenness - Josh Havens (Ep 58)
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
God loves you… It’s almost cliche when you hear it, but think about each one of those three words… God… Loves… You… You might be thinking, “Yeah he does, but that’s just who he is, right?” Or maybe, “Yeah, but he doesn’t like me. There’s a lot of me that’s still broken… I don’t even like me.” Or maybe you just don’t believe it at all. In this episode, Josh Havens unpacks how you can find God's grace and purpose in the middle of your brokenness.
Check out the full show notes and resources for this episode at dailygrowthdiscipleship.com.
Get your copy of the Daily Growth Journal and start creating a lifestyle of discipleship with the simple practice of journaling.

Monday Jul 27, 2020
The John 3:16 You Don't Know - Paul Borthwick (Ep 57)
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Making disciples is one of the crucial components of a lifestyle of discipleship. We are called to reproduce disciples. It's normal for Christians to think of spiritual disciplines and other practices as part of our own discipleship, but we rarely think of making other disciples as part of that process. This is why Paul's latest book is so valuable. John 3:16 is one of those verses many of us could probably quote. We've heard it so many times it's almost cliche. And the depth of the meaning Jesus was communicating to Nicodemus in that chapter is sometimes lost on us. Really, it's an invitation to something more than just getting saved. It's an invitation to God's redemptive work in all of history.
Check out the full show notes and resources for this episode at dailygrowthdiscipleship.com.
Get your copy of the Daily Growth Journal and start creating a lifestyle of discipleship with the simple practice of journaling.

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Learning to Walk Together Through Racial Trauma - Sheila Wise Rowe (Ep 56)
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
As we once again talk about Race and Racism on the podcast, we wanted to address this issue from a different perspective. Racism, being rejected and persecuted because of the color of your skin, traumatizes its victims. So how should we as disciples respond? As we learn from Shelia in this episode, people of color need to develop resilience through their relationship with Christ and His community that gives them the strength to withstand the racial injustice they experience. And for white people and others of privileged status, we have an opportunity to listen and learn from our marginalized brothers and sisters. In the fight to see God’s Kingdom come to earth and his will done in our midst, may we mourn with our brothers and sister who mourn and show them love that affirms who they are as Image bears of God.
Check out the full show notes and resources for this episode at dailygrowthdiscipleship.com.
Get your copy of the Daily Growth Journal and start creating a lifestyle of discipleship with the simple practice of journaling.

Monday Jul 13, 2020
Why Disciples Should Be Lifelong Learners - Kevin Folk (Ep 55)
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
If you want to create a lifestyle built around following Jesus, you need to also have a willingness to learn. In this episode, Kevin challenges us with his contagious passion for learning and spiritual development. If you've ever felt like you aren't good at learning new things, Kevin's down-to-earth approach will inspire you and, hopefully, relieve some of the pressure as you learn to be a student of Jesus.
Check out the full show notes and resources for this episode at dailygrowthdiscipleship.com.
Get your copy of the Daily Growth Journal and start creating a lifestyle of discipleship with the simple practice of journaling.